You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, category V (POM Vs) from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy. Charges for written Prescriptions apply, and covers, amongst other things the cost of the veterinary surgeons time to check pet’s clinical records to confirm that medication requested is still appropriate for your pet, and the issue of the prescription.
Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM Vs only for animals under his or her care.
A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an-inpatient, or if immediate treatment is necessary.
You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.
The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescription every 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances.
Repeat Prescriptions
If your pet is on prescription only medication for ongoing management/treatment of a particular condition to comply with responsible dispensary guidelines, we ask to re-examine your pet at least every 6 months to look for any changes in the condition and for any side effects or new problems. During the months in between we can repeat dispense medication on request if deemed appropriate. You can do this by contacting the surgery on 01708 577 577 . Please allow two working days for this to be processed.
Written prescriptions are available from this practice. For more information, please refer to our prescriptions policy.